- contemporary feminisms
Winter 2009
Jeanine Oleson, The Greater New York Smudge Cleanse,
Fall 2008. a series of public performances (Federal Hall event, November 3, 2008).
Photo: Khaela Maricich
Fall 2008. a series of public performances (Federal Hall event, November 3, 2008).
Photo: Khaela Maricich
C Magazine
PO Box Stn B
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PO Box Stn B
Toronto, On
M5T 2T2
Study Guides
Additional Resources
Contemporary Feminisms by Amish Morrell
God and the 'Gaze:' A Visual Reading of Lady Gaga by Jen Hutton
Istanbul: Hale Tenger and Muruvvet Turkyilmaz by Deborah Root
Ecstatic Resistance by Emily Roysdon
Who Was That Woman? by Helena Reckitt
O.H.F + U.S. A = M.F.A and Positive/Negative Space by Onya Hogan-Finlay
Iris Haussler: He Named Her Amber by Kate Steinmann
Yvonne Singer-random objects: random thoughts by Sarah Aranha
Francis Alys: Fabiola by Stephanie Rogerson
Lorraine Field: Vanishing Point by Sara Hartland-Rowe
Ars Memoriae: Eve K. Tremblay's Book People by James Campbell
Colette Whiten by Leah Modigliani
The Importance of Being Iceland: Travel Essays in Art, by Eileen Myles
by Amish Morrell
The F Word, Essays by Alissa Firth-England Candice Hopkins, Karen Henry, and an interview with Lisa Steele by Firth-England. Artists' works by Lisa Robertson and Kristina Lee Podesva.
by Ginger Scott
Report on the New York Art Book Fair
by Miles Collyer